Catholic School Teachers: Missionaries of Evangelization, by David G Bonagura, Jr.

Pope Francis Flies Into African Storm Over His Call to Decriminalize Homosexual Relations, by Edward Pentin 
January 31, 2023
Fr. Jerry Pokorsky: The Mystery of Sleep
January 31, 2023

*Image: La leçon de catéchisme by Louis-Emile Adan, late 19th—early 20th century [private collection]

By David G Bonagura, Jr., The Catholic Thing, Jan. 31, 2023

David G. Bonagura Jr. an adjunct professor at St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York. He is the author of Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism and Staying with the Catholic Church: Trusting God’s Plan of Salvation.

Etched in stone over the majestic double doors of St. Stephen of Hungary School in Manhattan are the words Venite Adoremus Dominum – “Come Let us Adore the Lord.”

At first glance, these words can seem misplaced. Isn’t school about letters and numbers, rocks and maps, paintings and songs? Doesn’t such an exhortation fit over the doors to a church, not to a school?

Yes, these words are in the right place. In fact, they belong over the doors to a Catholic school, for all its teaching, all its resources, and all its personnel exist to serve a singular goal: to lead students to Heaven, where they will adore the Lord for all eternity. …

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