By Eric Sammons, Crisis Magazine, Feb. 3, 2025
Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.
There’s a problem with black American culture, and it’s not racist to say that.
A few weeks ago two men were shot and killed in broad daylight at the busiest intersection of the town in which I was raised. This follows another daytime shooting at that corner a few months ago, and a number of shootings in the area in the past few years.
I drove through that intersection thousands of times growing up—going to school, picking up some McDonald’s, or heading to the mall to hang out with friends. Never would it have crossed my mind that the area was dangerous, much less that targeted killings could occur there. Sure, there was crime in my day, but nothing like this. The community was middle to lower-middle class, and quite safe. What changed?
Of course, it’s impossible to blame just one factor for such a shift—many factors have changed in the nation as well as in that community over the years. Yet it’s undeniable that a major demographic change is partly to blame. …
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