By Anna Davis, Crisis Magazine, Aug. 23, 2024
Anna Davis is a West Coast transplant with over 10 years of Sales & Marketing experience. She enjoys learning about her Catholic Faith, reading multiple books at a time, watching vintage and indie movies, and spending time with her family. She currently lives in New England.
From public streets, restaurants, and yes, our beloved Catholic parishes, nothing is sacred anymore. And this wholesale lack of respect starts—and in my opinion ends—with how we dress for our respective days.
Take a look around. Do you like what you see?
I’m talking about the daily onslaught of crocs, “yoga” pants, or any number of questionable clothing purchases people are making these days.
And lest you think I’m some old fuddy-duddy (although I did just use the word fuddy-duddy), I’m a card-carrying millennial. And in defense of the younger set, it’s not just them. I’m witnessing this in people of all ages, from all walks of life.
What’s the big deal? If you don’t like it, look away. …