Too Blind To Be Martyred, by Hans Boersma
November 18, 2021Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Know the Time of Your Visitation
November 18, 2021
By An Anonymous Victim, Church Militant, November 17, 2021
An anonymous victim speaks out
With so many of our bishops being stone-cold brain-dead, even shouting from the rooftops will not suffice to get them to resign, step down and move aside.
As a group of men whose sole job is to shepherd the Catholic Church, they have in large part failed to do their jobs even mediocrely. As a victim of homosexual predation in my youth, I would like to see some of the worst offenders in this Lavender Mafia just walk away from their posts and leave the job of shepherding to competent, holy priests. Enough is enough already! I for one have had enough of these gay bishops in my lifetime.
Our Lord tells us in the gospels, “By their fruits, you shall know them” (Matthew 7:16). Here in America, the hierarchy has certainly produced a tremendous amount of bad fruit. …
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