WASHINGTON, DC – Kirk Barker and his wife, Chass, know that their son would not be alive today if a pro-life advocate had not been outside their local abortion facility 15 years ago.
Abortion activists try to dismiss pro-life sidewalk counselors with claims that they are ineffective, at best, and hateful, at worst. But the Tennessee father – and many others like his family – credit pro-life volunteers for providing them with the encouragement they needed to choose life for their babies.
“It was your prayers that helped save our son,” Barker said. “Words can never express our gratitude for what you have done. Let the words of this message be a constant reminder of the great work that you do, to be a reminder that you made a difference.”
The Christian Institute reports Chass Barker’s doctor urged her to abort her unborn son after she was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.
“We trusted him. We took the doctor for his word,” Kirk Barker said. “We made an (abortion) appointment that day.”
Here’s more from the report:
However, on the day the abortion was due to take place, they encountered a pro-life supporter outside the clinic who prayed for them and asked them to reconsider.
Barker’s wife subsequently decided she could not go through with the abortion and they walked out of the clinic.
She went on to give birth to their son, who is now 15 years old.
“Right before we signed what we call ‘the death certificate to our son,’ God intervened,” Barker said, previously in an interview with Pregnancy Help News. “My wife looked at me, and said, ‘I don’t care if I die, I’m not going to kill our son,’” Kirk said. “We got up and walked out. I was very happy to leave that place and not go through with the procedure.”
Cameron turned 15 in September.
“He’s a great kid,” Barker said. “He works very hard and he’s very intelligent. He wants to go into the computer science field, and he may graduate when he’s 16 or 17. He’s a compassionate, loving guy. I couldn’t be more proud of him.”