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October 2, 2018Michael F. Haverluck: Arch of Baal Erected in DC to Pagans’ Delight
October 2, 2018
By Julia Meloni, Crisis Magazine, October 2, 2018
Your Excellency:
As a young Catholic I write to share my grave concerns about the looming youth synod. I am grateful for your repeated efforts to promote orthodoxy at this event and your attempt to ask Pope Francis to presently cancel it in light of the sexual abuse crisis.
“Right now, the bishops would have absolutely no credibility in addressing this topic,” you said.
Your Excellency, today I reread Archbishop Viganò’s jarring testimonies. Numerous figures named by him will participate in the youth synod, including:
Cardinal Parolin, accused of being “complicit in covering up” for ex-Cardinal McCarrick;
Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, McCarrick’s fellow “kingmaker” for Church appointments, accused of being protected by the pope despite shielding an accused homosexual abuser and attacking seminarians reporting homosexual misconduct;
Cardinal Cupich, a top revolutionary on homosexuality and denier of its role in the abuse crisis, reportedly elevated by the recommendation of McCarrick, Rodriguez Maradiaga, and Cardinal Wuerl;
Cardinal Farrell, the beneficiary of another “miraculous” rise, whose denial of having any inkling of McCarrick’s reputation has been widely questioned as implausible, given their shared apartment;
Archbishop Paglia, commissioner of a homoerotic mural starring himself and sponsor of a Vatican sex education program with pornographic images, accused of being part of a “homosexual current in favor of subverting Catholic doctrine on homosexuality”;
Cardinals Baldisseri, Sandri, Filoni, Becciu, and Ouellet, all alleged to have known of Pope Benedict’s restrictions on McCarrick, with Ouellet reportedly now having access to documents “incriminating McCarrick and many in the curia for their cover-ups”;