DeSantis Launches Full-Throttle Accountability Investigations into COVID Vaccines, by Rod Thomson

Big Medicine’s Fight Against Nature, by Jerome German
December 15, 2022
Top Moral Theologian Claims Humanae Vitae is Reformable, Not Infallible, by Jules Gomes  
December 15, 2022


This could become one of the biggest stories of 2023, even if the corporate media tries to hide it.

Rod Thomson is a former daily newspaper reporter and columnist, former Salem radio host and ABC TV commentator, and current Founder of The Thomson Group, a Florida-based political consulting firm. …


One of the greatest potential threats to public health to come from the COVID imbroglio has been the introduction and forced acceptance of the experimental, barely studied, first-time mRNA vaccine. Most places, not all, have grudgingly backed off the shot mandates, but Americans still have precious little information on the vaccines’ efficacy and dangers—except for the rapidly growing VAERS database of severe post-vaccine adverse events.

So now we finally have one major political leader willing to take the leap forward to launch a long-needed full-scale investigation using the powers of the state. No real surprise that it is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. …

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