Doctors Abandoning Medical Ethics for Covid-19 Money, by Sandy Szwarc

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By  Sandy Szwarc, The Remnant, March 6, 2021

Sandy Szwarc, BSN, is a graduate of UT-Austin, and a researcher and writer on health and science issues for more than 30 years.

Untold numbers of Americans have gone without medical care for more than a year now, resulting in health conditions becoming worse, diagnoses being missed, unmeasurable stress for anxious patients and families, and worsening prognoses.

One reason people haven’t received care has been ignored in the media, but reveals a disturbing decline of ethics in medicine and politics: The healthcare industry has been using Covid-19 screening tests to deny care to patients who do not want the test.

With good reason, a lot of people don’t want to be tested and forced to become part of the politicization of Covid-19. They recognize that the overwhelming body of scientific evidence, and worldwide science and infectious disease experts, have shown PCR tests to be indefensible for clinical or public health use. These tests do not culture for or diagnose the SARS-CoV-2 virus; are not a measure of whether someone is infectious or contagious; give mostly false positive rates; lack sound medical or scientific support for testing asymptomatic people, even going against Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization recommendations; and the tests have been commercialized under “emergency use authorization,” bypassing the traditional FDA-approval process requiring standardization, manufacturing quality controls and proven accuracy.*  …

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