Election 2020 Exposes Culture War: Overcoming Fear With Truth, by Star Parker

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November 4, 2020
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November 4, 2020

Submitting my weekly column on the morning of the 2020 presidential election was surreal. But not as surreal as walking to work through an apocalyptic cityscape of boarded-up buildings.

By Star Parker, Townhall, Nov 04, 2020

Star ParkerNo, this isn’t communist Cuba; this is Washington, D.C., the supposed center of the free world.

Even more disquieting than the scenery is the knowledge that my own organization, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (UrbanCURE), has been targeted by ShutDownDC, a left-wing group promising to execute vigilante justice if the election doesn’t play out to its liking.

According to The Daily Signal, a daily online newsletter from The Heritage Foundation, ShutDownDC has scornfully labeled at least 27 conservative organizations as “Trump boosters,” including well-respected partners of UrbanCURE — major policy institutes that have been in Washington for years — such as The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. ShutDownDC’s interactive map of “Trump boosters” has the potential to make rage-fueled election riots more convenient than ever. …

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