Mark Houck prays with his family outside the courthouse just after his acquittal in Philadelphia Jan. 30, 2023. (photo: Screenshot / Joe Bukuras/CNA/EWTN)
EDITORIAL: Despite its original intention to protect abortion, the Department of Justice is now being forced to utilize federal legislation against pro-abortion extremists.
The Editors, EWTN News,
An ancient aphorism of the Catholic faith states that out of every evil, God can create a greater good.
This principle comes to mind in the context of recent developments regarding federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance Act prosecutions, initiated by the Department of Justice. On Jan. 30, a Philadelphia jury exonerated pro-life sidewalk advocate Mark Houck of the flimsy FACE-related charges brought against him by the DOJ last year.
Only a few days before his acquittal, the DOJ unexpectedly initiated FACE Act proceedings against two pro-abortion radicals who are accused of damaging pro-life pregnancy facilities in Florida. …