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June 6, 2023
By Matt Lamb, LifeSiteNews, June 3, 2023
TAKE ACTION: Contact Bishop Kevin Rhoades at bishopsoff
Catholic University of Notre Dame says it is officially supporting “Pride Month.”
“Happy #PrideMonth! We celebrate all LGBTQ+ identities and reaffirm our commitment to being a welcoming, safe and supportive place for ALL members of the Notre Dame family,” the official account of the university tweeted on June 1. “We see you. We’re glad you’re here. You are an important member of our community.”
The support for homosexuality and transgenderism is in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357) teaches that homosexual acts are “of grave depravity,” are “intrinsically disordered … are contrary to the natural law,” and “do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity.”
“Under no circumstances can they be approved,” states the Catechism.
Bishops have the ability (and responsiblity) to remove the Catholic identify of an organization within his diocese if the organization obstinately persists in promoting anti-Catholic beliefs. Canon 216 states that no institution can lay claim to the name “Catholic” without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority. For example, Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester recently gained national attention by forcing a school in his diocese to remove its Catholic identity due to the school’s support for LGBT policies.