Fr. Quan Tran: Our Love is Perfected by Loving God
December 16, 2020An Unsatable System, by John William O’Sullivan
December 16, 2020
By John Zmirak, The Stream, Dec. 15, 2020
After multiple short-term suspensions, and the doubling of my followers thanks to my pieces on Sidney Powell, Twitter at last expelled me. The last straw was a Swiftian joke I made in response to the latest transgenderist attack on the existence of human biology.
Remember the rules, people. It’s okay to argue that every young person on earth should have his or her puberty blocked, using dangerous hormones. It’s fine to promote, in all seriousness, hunting down every last unborn baby with Down Syndrome, and killing him in the womb. Or to defend China’s massive use of Uyghur slave labor to make Nike sneakers, Apple products, or just plain pick cotton in the fields. It’s also acceptable to promote a global totalitarian religious state that persecutes homosexuals — as long as that state is Muslim.
Obsessed Billionaires Trying to Transform Our Species
But don’t cross the trans community. It has obsessed trans billionaires funding it, as Jennifer Bilek documents in her can’t-miss piece at The Standard. (One of them is the brother of Governor Pritzker of Illinois.) Pharmaceutical companies stand to make many billions more selling sex-change hormones to young people whom the trans movement convinces that they need them. …