First Reactions of Teenage Boys to the Traditional Latin Mass, by Stephen Snyder

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By Stephen Snyder, Crisis Magazine, June 20, 2019

Stephen SnyderThe first Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI was promulgated when I was a friar in Religious formation. As young friars, we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity the pope was extending to experience the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and we quickly fell in love with everything about it. Learning and celebrating the TLM even seemed to help us celebrate, serve, and attend the Novus Ordo Mass with more understanding and devotion. Naturally, we wanted to share this treasure that we had found with others, so we organized an educational session for the public about the Extraordinary Form, followed by a traditional High Mass. Something happened at that Mass that has remained with me ever since.

In attendance at that presentation and Mass were a devout Catholic mother and—compulsorily—her 16-year-old son. Her son had wanted nothing to do with the Mass or with the Faith of the family. During the Mass, though, something changed. Her son’s attention was riveted on every word, action, and song of the Mass. Afterward, he thanked his mother profusely for having brought him to the Mass, exclaiming, “That was the most beautiful, the most sacred thing I have ever seen!” Not only his excitement, but his word choice caught my attention: “sacred.” That is not a word most teenagers use every day. It prompted me to ponder our natural search for truth and beauty….Read more at: