Fisherman Find Blood-Stained Bag Containing Two Dozen Aborted Babies (India), by Micaiah Bilger

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By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, Dec. 6, 2019

NEW DELHI, INDIA – Police in eastern India are trying to find an illegal abortion practice this week after fishermen in found a blood-stained bag containing the bodies of about 24 aborted babies.

The Indian Express reports locals found the bag near a pond where they planned to fish Friday in Habra, India.

Police said they believe a local nursing home may be performing illegal abortions, and they are questioning local health care workers.

“The blood-stained sack was first spotted by locals when they gathered to catch fish from the pond at Mogra at 4:30 p.m. When they opened it, they found containers filled with fetuses,” according to the local police.

Authorities sent the bodies to Habra State General Hospital to be examined, according to the report.

“Nearly 24 foetuses have been found. The administration is looking into it,” said Habra Chief Health Officer Tapan Saha.  ….

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