Author’s Note: My book, From Humdrum to Holy, is another great resource for daily efforts to grow in holiness. It’s simple and easy-to-read, offering short, substantial chapters on how you can go from a humdrum life of mediocrity and lukewarmness to a life afire with the love of God.
St. Paul in his Letter to the Thessalonians states, “This is the will of your heavenly Father—your sanctification.” The New Testament is replete with statements like these, exhorting us to pursue holiness. Remember Jesus’ injunctions: “Be holy as your Heavenly Father is holy” and “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for holiness, they will be filled” (Mt. 5:9). St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta explained, “Holiness is not the privilege of the few; rather, holiness is the duty of all.” All of us are called to become saints; this is a universal vocation, a universal call to holiness. If we want to get to heaven—and we all do—then we must do all in our power to arrive at the holiness of life that God has called us to.
This being the case, we will offer a roadmap, a spiritual GPS for the journey up the heights of the mountain of God, the mountain of holiness. We hope that all will read, pray over, and implement these action items to attain holiness. Have always before your mind’s eye the words of Jesus: to be holy as your heavenly Father is holy!…
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