Fr. Kevin M. Cusick: A Leaven In The World . . . ACB And The “Last Acceptable Prejudice”

Ten Days That Shook the Presidency, by Patrick J. Buchanan 
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Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

By Fr. Kevin M. Cusick, The Wanderer, October 7, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett reignited a new skirmish in a long, simmering conflict within American culture and religion. It was a Protestant American in the Kennedy era who described it best, that peculiar animus that “lives loudly within” his own people and which was brought to the fore once again in Judge Barrett’s recent nomination.

Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. memorably wrote that “anti-Catholicism is the deepest bias of the American people and the last acceptable prejudice” in describing a widespread negative reaction to the political rise of baptized Catholic John F. Kennedy. ….


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