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June 15, 2018Does Conscience Exist?
June 15, 2018
Headlining World Meeting of Families in Dublin
By Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th., ChurchMilitant, June 13, 2018
Speaking at Fordham University in 2017, Fr. James Martin said, “LGBT Catholics are more centered educated and experienced than some of the Church leaders to whom they’re talking.”
Homosexualist priest, Fr. James Martin will be speaking at the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Dublin.
The American Jesuit, who’s working nonstop for the normalization of homosexuality, will be addressing more than 30,000 people at the week-long event scheduled for August.
The event will be held in Ireland, whose people voted to legalize same-sex marriage in 2015 and to legalize abortion this year while Irish bishops offered a weak response.
At various speaking engagements Fr. Martin contradicts Church teaching: “I have a hard time imagining how even the most traditionalist, homophobic, closed-minded Catholic cannot look at my friend and say, ‘That is a loving act, and that is a form of love that I don’t understand but that I have to reverence.'”
Among Fr. Martin’s many errors regarding LGBT outreach include:
Saying homosexuals are not required to keep chastity
Saying Catholics should reverence so-called gay marriage
Supporting transgenderism in children
Promoting so-called gay marriage
Affirming that gays should be allowed to kiss at Mass
Believing that chaste homosexuals aren’t leading a fully integrated life
Insisting God makes people gay
He labels Catholics who morally object to the homosexual lifestyle as homophobic and actually says Catholics hate people with a same-sex attraction.
True Christian charity, however, requires that Catholics reach out to those struggling with same-sex attraction with truth and grace so they can obtain salvation.