Fr. Shenan J. Boquet: Texas Abortion Pill Ruling and Its Implications

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By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International, April 17, 2023

Father Shenan J. Boquet was ordained in 1993 and is a priest of the Houma-Thibodaux Roman Catholic Diocese in Louisiana, his home state, where he served before joining HLI in August 2011. …

In the year 2000, the United States’ Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved two chemical abortion drugs. The pair of drugs – mifepristone and misoprostol – are sometimes referred to as RU-486. Used in tandem, they reliably kill a preborn child: first, by starving the developing preborn child and causing it to detach from its mother’s uterus, and secondly by provoking contractions that expel the dead child.

Since the FDA approved RU-486, millions of abortions have been performed using these drugs. Indeed, so-called “medical” abortions (i.e., chemical abortions) have become so widespread, that they now account for over half of all abortions in the United States.

Chemical abortion has provided the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry with the ability to expand abortion by involving more providers outside a traditional abortion business, like Planned Parenthood. Through telemedicine services, the abortion industry is now able to go beyond the limitations of brick-and-mortar clinics by giving women access to abortion in a home setting, making abortions “self-managed” and unrestricted, despite the health risks this poses. This is why pro-abortion activists – concerned about their political, ideological, and financial goals – are up in arms after a federal judge challenged the legality of the FDA’s approval of mifepristone. …

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