Recovering the Meaning of the Ascension, by John M. Grondelski
May 26, 2022Daily Scripture Readings and Meditation: The Lord Jesus Was Taken up into Heaven
May 26, 2022
By Dr. Thomas Williams, Breitbart, May 25, 2022
Pope Francis returned to the topic of climate change Tuesday, lamenting the multiplication of environmental disasters generated by global warming.
“The climate changes of our time have multiplied extreme atmospheric events, with dramatic consequences for civilian populations,” the pontiff told a group of volunteers of the Italian National Civil Protection Service. “The impact is catastrophic for people who lose their homes due to flooding of waterways, tornadoes and hydrogeological disruptions.”
“The earth cries out! The earth cries out!” he exclaimed. “When we force our hand, nature shows her cruel face and man is crushed, forced to cry out in fear.”
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