Why? Because a Catholic marriage should be filled not only with human love, but with divine love…
By Fr. Dwight Longenecker, June 30, 2015
A priestly correspondent has reminded me of the diabolical dimension to the present destruction of marriage and family in our society.
The reason Satan hates marriage is because in the ideal of marriage man and woman are restored to harmony and pro creative union.
When the marriage is Christian he hates it even more.
When the marriage is sacramental and Catholic he hates it with a bitter hatred.
Why? Because a Catholic marriage should be filled not only with human love, but with divine love to a degree that is beyond a merely Christian marriage.
A sacrament, remember, is a physical means of grace. It is not just a symbol. It effects what it signifies.
This means that God’s saving grace is unlocked in our lives through our marriages.
God’s light and life and love enters out lives through our marriages and this powerful love overcomes the world.
Jesus and Mary love this union. That’s why they went together and blessed this sacrament at the wedding in Cana.
Satan hates this union. He has always hated it. He wants to destroy it because he hates us and wants to destroy us.
Therefore he will not only seek to destroy marriage, but he will seek to destroy masculinity and femininity.
He wants confusion and fear, chaos and destruction.
He loves to distort and twist all human love into perversions, unspeakable blasphemies, corruption, vice, lust, rage and rebellion.
Instead of sacramental marriage he wants sodomy, lesbianism, sado masochism, child abuse, abortion, prostitution, rape, sex slavery, masturbation, pornography.
He hates virginity. He hates chastity. He hates purity. He hates you.
So what’s to do? What’s to do?
Pursue chastity.
Please understand. This is why chastity is important. Not just because all those nasty dirty sexy things are bad, but because chastity is good.
Chastity is good because chastity and charity are sisters. They go hand in hand.
Chastity is purity and purity is power–spiritual power that Satan hates.
This is why he hates the Blessed Virgin and why she especially will help us in our battles to obtain and sustain the most precious gift of chastity.
If you think we live in a dark, demonic age, then pursue chastity and do so with the passion of a true warrior, for a true warrior you are.
If you pursue chastity within marriage or as a single person, you will be working to restore Eden.
You will be working to destroy Satan who invaded Eden and who saw immediately that his objective was to destroy the first marriage.
So pursue chastity and you will be helping to restore the innocence and wisdom of un fallen Adam and Eve.