Hate Has a Home
June 15, 2017Can a Scientist be Catholic? A Conversion Story
June 15, 2017
Gingrich, “Whether it is a so-called comedian holding up the president’s head in blood, or it’s right here in New York City a play that shows the president being assassinated, or it’s Democratic leading national politicians who are so angry they have to use vulgarity. This intensity has been building I think since election night.”…
By Chad Groening, OneNewsNow.com, June 14, 2017 – A conservative pundit and former Republican leader says there’s no doubt that Wednesday’s shooting at an Alexandria, Virginia, baseball field was politically motivated.
Several Republican lawmakers were practicing early Wednesday morning for the annual charity baseball game between them and House Democrats when the shooting occurred. Wounded in the attack were House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana) and several others. At press time, Scalise was in critical condition following surgery.
The shooter, who has since died from gun battle with police, has been identified as James T. Hodgkinson. His Facebook page featured a photo of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at the top, and was filled with left-wing political posts throughout. His entries were highly critical of President Trump and supported Sanders’ socialist political philosophy. The 66-year-old man was a member of a Facebook group called “Terminate the Republican Party.” And according to authorities, Hodgkinson came to the ball field with enough firepower to terminate many Republican lawmakers.
During an appearance on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the increasing intensity of hostility on the Left.
And when one Fox panel member questioned the timing of Gingrich’s remarks, he didn’t back down.
“You’ve had a series of things which sends signals that tell people that it’s okay to hate Trump, it’s okay to think of Trump in violent terms, it’s okay to consider assassinating Trump. And then suddenly we’re supposed to rise above it – until the next time?” he asked.
The leaders of both parties have decided to move forward and play the game Thursday night as scheduled.