Heartless Assault on ‘Heartbeat’, by Trey Blanton

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By Trey Blanton, Church Militant, August 6, 2021

TX judge holds the line



Abortionists have filed a frivolous lawsuit against a Texas district judge in order to block implementation of the pro-life Heartbeat Act there. The Lone Star State’s law is unique in that government doesn’t enforce the law — people do. Church Militant’s Trey Blanton has more on a Christian’s response to the Culture of Death.

The anti-life movement in Texas is fighting for the so-called right to kill babies after they develop a heartbeat. Planned Parenthood, Whole Women’s Health, and the ACLU are suing East Texas judge Austin Reeve Jackson.

Judge Jackson: “We’re here because these groups have filed a frivolous lawsuit against me down in Travis County in front of a liberal, Obama-appointed federal judge, for no reason other than I am someone committed to the rule of law and biblical values.”

Jackson is just the face of the abortionists’ true target, the Texas heartbeat law. The law allows private citizens to sue abortionists who kill a preborn baby after a heartbeat can be detected. ….

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