Holy Father, Please Don’t Abandon Us, by Garrett Johnson 

BREAKING: Pontifical Academy for Life President Calls Medically Assisted Suicide ‘Feasible’, by Shannon Mullen, Hannah Brockhaus
April 24, 2023
WATCH: United Nations Endorses Pedophilia – Where Are Our Bishops? by John Henry Westen
April 24, 2023

[Photo Credit: Vatican Media]

By referring to people who experience same-sex attraction as “homosexual persons,” you are taking away the freedom we have as children of God.

By Garrett Johnson, Crisis Magazine, April, 24, 2023

Garrett Johnson was first labeled gay at the age of seven. He resisted this labeling as long as he could but eventually gave in as the identity took hold. He lived a gay life for over 15 years and began using drugs and alcohol heavily to numb the pain of living this identity. …


Garrett Johnson

This morning, I meditated on Jesus being brought in front of Pilate and the religious leaders and accused of all sorts of things He hadn’t done and of being someone He wasn’t. I asked Him to help me feel what He felt as His Heart encountered the darkness; while all those He came to set free and those He had drawn close to Himself abandoned Him.

As I started to enter into this scene and imagine His pain, I began to think of the words “homosexual people” our Holy Father Francis used and the pain this brought me. I am not comparing my pain to our Lord’s, but I can at least put myself in His shoes when it comes to feeling abandoned by those whom I should feel closest to and most supported by. …

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