How a Truly Catholic President Would Speak, by Michael Pakaluk

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By Michael Pakaluk, The Catholic Thing, March 29, 2023

Michael Pakaluk, an Aristotle scholar and Ordinarius of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, is a professor in the Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America.  …

Note: TCT Editor-in-Chief Robert Royal will join Fr. Gerald Murray and host Raymond Arroyo (the Papal Posse) on EWTN’s “The World Over” tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET to discuss threats to the seal of the confessional, the German Synod, Pope Francis’s recent remarks on the future of moral theology, Cardinal McElroy’s banning of EWTN, and much more about the Church and the world. EWTN segments are repeated (consult local listings) and are usually also available on the station’s YouTube channel shortly after their initial broadcast.


Off the record – before his speech begins – to the press corps:

“I would ordinarily be enjoying an ice cream cone right now – you know how much I love the stuff; I’ve got a whole freezer full.  But I take my Catholic faith seriously, as you know.   It’s Lent.  I’ve been fasting. – (Laughs ) Yeah, me too! – Can I offer a personal confession? As president, I get briefed on a lot of bad things that the nation never hears about.  I have no idea how I’d be able to do this job without the graces that come from prayer and fasting, even outside of Lent.”

Press conference begins:

Good afternoon, fellow Americans. It’s common for politicians to use violence like the horrific crime this morning to attack their opponents for not supporting gun control or assault rifle bans.  I am not going to treat this tragedy that way. Because it would be exploitation.  About 500 people die in mass shootings every year.  While lamentable, a far larger number, 25,000 commit suicide each year with guns.  I’d insult you if I said the problem of suicide was a problem of guns. …