Joy Pullmann is executive editor of The Federalist. Her new book with Regnery is “False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America.” A happy wife and the mother of six children, her ebooks include “Classic Books For Young Children,” and “101 Strategies For Living Well Amid Inflation.”  …

This is an adapted version of a speech presented to Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum 2024. Watch or listen to the speech here.


Contrary to propaganda messaging, our society is neither ‘overfeminized’ nor ‘pro-woman.’ It is deeply anti-woman.

Author Joy Pullmann profileSince the 1960s, cultural leaders in media, Hollywood, academia, and politics have fiercely criticized men for expressing male characteristics, and have fiercely criticized women for expressing female characteristics. This has led some commentators on the right more recently to lambast what they call the “overfeminization” of society.

But are we really experiencing a cultural “overfeminization?” It looks to me like, instead, we have a swap. We have feminization where there should be masculinity, and masculinization where there should be femininity. Our women are pushed to act like men, and our men to act like women, and the resulting social transgenderism makes everyone extremely unhappy, not to mention dysfunctional.

Both sexes are out of whack. We are all transgender now. …

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