‘I Don’t See It:’ Two US Bishops Respond to Charges of American ‘Schism’, by Martin M. Barillas

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Bishops Joseph Strickland (R) and Michael Sheridan (L) on EWTN’s the World Over with Raymond Arroyo, Oct. 3, 2019EWTN / Youtube

By Martin M. Barillas, LifeSiteNews, Oct. 7, 2019

Martin M. BarillasWASHINGTON D.C. October 7, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — EWTN news host Raymond Arroyo asked U.S. Bishops Michael Sheridan and Joseph Strickland in a joint interview last week about whether U.S. Catholics who are troubled by Pope Francis’ teachings and statements are schismatics or part of a “plot” to “get” the pope.

Regarding accusations by Rev. Antonio Spadaro that some American Catholics are fomenting schism in the Church, Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas said, “I don’t see it.”

“I see people of real committed faith in the Real Presence — those who believe that the bread and wine truly becomes the Body and Blood of Christ — it’s those people who are concerned and asking, and saying ‘Give us the truth of Christ clearly.’ All this confusion isn’t helpful for them, for their children, for their grandchildren. So I’d say, absolutely, the reality is to live Jesus Christ. Everything else really falls by the wayside, as it has through the centuries – if it is not of Christ, it won’t last,” he said.

Strickland, an outspoken defender of traditional Catholic teachings who frequently uses social media to proclaim its truths, said that Catholics in his rural diocese are seeking answers about the “solid deposit-of-faith truth.” He believes that Pope Francis is dealing with a number of “influences” that “dilute his message sometimes and also confuse people about what the truth really is.” ….Read more at  https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/i-dont-see-it-two-us-bishops-respond-to-charges-of-american-schism