A Commentary by Brian C Joondeph, MD, Rasmussen Reports, May 10, 2021
Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a physician and writer. He is on sabbatical from social media.
One important lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps not realized now but in the future, is to keep politics out of medicine and public health.
So much of the state and federal response to COVID-19 has been driven by political considerations. Since President Trump suggested hydroxychloroquine as a potential therapeutic, the media and medical establishment treated this 60-year-old drug as more dangerous than rat poison.
Mayors, governors, and members of Congress told America to stay home, avoid travel, not visit restaurants or the hair salon; meanwhile many politicians and their families ignored such mandates. Dr. Anthony Fauci told us how many masks to wear – none, one, two, then one again – all in the course of a year. …