In Praise of Marriage, by Regis Martin

Judge Orders Church to Stop Worship Services, Says It Violated Governor’s Lockdown, Liberty Counsel
August 10, 2020
This Pro-Lifer Who Was Arrested for Writing ‘Black Preborn Lives Matter’ Says His Rights Were Violated, by Mary Margaret Olohan
August 11, 2020

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“Be worthy of the flame which consumes you! And if one must be consumed let it be like the Paschal-candle, flaming on its golden candelabrum in the midst of the choir for the glory of all the Church!” —Paul Claudel

By Regis Martin, EWTN News, 8/10/20

Is there anything more thrilling to witness than the wedding of two wonderful young people? This is especially true when one of them happens to be your son. Leaving aside being born, getting married has got to be just about the biggest day of anyone’s life. And as for birth, well, isn’t that the basis for everything else, including marriage? In fact, it is the exact moment when God, to paraphrase the poet Sandburg, gives us his opinion that life should go on. Why else would one become a parent if not to mediate the miracle of new life? Not forgetting, of co

It is also important to show up, of course, if you’re expected to help pay for it. In our case, that included renting a rather large tent in the back yard in the middle of a global pandemic. Nice timing, right? Dr. Johnson, who is one of my heroes, used to say that nothing so concentrates the mind as the knowledge that one is to be hanged in a fortnight. That may be true of a hanging, but having to plan a wedding comes in a close second.  …

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