John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.
Want to convey the stakes of the upcoming election? You can know them with mathematical certainty and visceral conviction, and convince your (nonbrainwashed) friends and family what they are via two simple steps. Together, they limn the contrast between two starkly different futures, two polar opposite models of how human beings should live.
First, go see the new movie, Reagan. The great Eric Metaxas attended its premiere and told me he was “blown away.” Audiences are raving about it, while critics spew venom and squeal like stuck Gadarene pigs. While he was a sinner like the rest of us, Ronald Reagan was also a believer, and an overwhelmingly virtuous example of the kind of human being the old, Christian-led America used to produce: honest, tolerant, principled, and deeply attached to freedom. He believed in the balanced tension of faith and reason, liberty and law, that guided America’s Founders and shaped our Constitution — a document which power-hungry leftists now are calling “dangerous” in the pages of The New York Times.
See that movie, and drag along your kids and friends, to remind them what a real Christian American is like compared to money-grubbing open-borders-loving Catholic bishops and virtue-signaling woke evangelical pastors. …