Jaw-Dropping Poll Piles On ‘Game Over’ for Biden, by Chad Groening

Realism, the Pope, and the Case for Civil Unions, by Phil Lawler
October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020

President Donald J. Trump Is Working to Expand Opportunity and Prosperity for African Americans, White House Photo, February 21, 2019

By Chad Groening, Billy Davis, October 29, 2020

A conservative black activist says not only does he believe a poll claiming 46 percent of black voters support President Donald Trump but adds the polling figure comes as no surprise.


Last week, a daily tracking poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports showed 46 percent of likely black voters approve of President Trump, OneNewsNow reported in a weekend story.

That polling figure is a shocking one because black voters overwhelmingly vote for Democrats after being warned by Democrat politicians for generations that the Republican Party is the party of rich, racist white men who don’t care about the poor.

Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of BOND, tells OneNewsNow that President Trump is reaching the black community despite the liberal media’s best efforts to keep lying to black voters.

“So I’m not surprised by that,” he says of Rasmussen’s poll. “And it might even be more than that before we vote next week.”  ….

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