Letter #23, 2023 Wed Jan 18: “No Secrets”, by Dr. Robert Moynihan

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English: The first Vatican Council, held in Saint Peter's Basilica during the papacy of Pius IX in 1869. December 1873. Source 1873 book on Pope Pius IX. Author Karl Benzinger. Wikimedia Commons

By Dr. Robert Moynihan, Inside The Vatican Magazine, Jan 18th, 2023

Letter #23, 2023 Wednesday, January 18: “No secrets”

    I just received a fascinating letter, which I publish below.

    I took my distance a bit yesterday (see this link) from the “rumors” in Rome that Pope Francis may soon issue a new decree further restricting the celebration of the old Mass.

    Then, I received this letter.

    It begins: “As we both know, there are no real ‘secrets’ in Rome.”

    Then, essentially, the letter-writer tells me that the “rumor” does in fact contain a truth: that there is a draft Vatican document which would further restrict the celebration of the old Mass. …