Low-Information Catholics: by Rodney Pelletier

Disgruntled Vatican Employees Pen Letter to Pope Francis, by Edward Pentin
May 21, 2021
Arch. Cordileone: “I Sense a Growing Sense of Urgency Among the Bishops…” by Carl E. Olson
May 21, 2021

By Rodney Pelletier, Church Militant, May 20, 2021

Embracing slogans as doctrine while denying truth

In the absence of solid Catholic teaching, the lies of the world are being touted as truth.

Americans are living in a time when family-destroying, God-hating propaganda is being promulgated as truth. The doctrines of God, which give life and freedom, are being replaced with satanic ideas that bring only death and slavery.

The prophet Isaiah wrote against those who follow their own doctrines: ….

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