By Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, March 03, 2023
Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. …
The ACP says women should be able to get abortions, travel to get abortions, and take abortion drugs ‘without undue government interference.’
A majority of Americans, 7 in 10, according to a recent poll, want significant limits on abortion, but the nation’s second-largest physician group is officially embracing Democrats’ abortion-on-demand talking points following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision allowing states more freedom to set abortion law.
In its latest policy brief, the American College of Physicians (ACP) announced its official stance on abortion is that “individuals have the right to make their own decisions, in partnership with their physician or health care professional” without legal consequences. …