Maybe, Just Perhaps, Environment Influencing Young Adults, by Chris Woodward

Bombshell Verdicts Explode Covid-19 Testing, by Jules Gomes
March 4, 2021
Catholic Bishop on Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Holding a Rosary: “He Brags He’s Catholic When It’s Convenient”
March 4, 2021

By Chris Woodward, Billy Davis, OneNewsNow, March 3, 2021

A record number of Americans are identifying as homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual, at least according to a new poll, and a medical doctor says the jump is evidence that our rainbow flag-waving society is influencing younger generations.

The newest polling survey from Gallup finds 5.6 percent of U.S. adults identify as LGBT, with more than half (54.6%) identifying as bisexual.

Among the survey findings, the biggest eye-opening number is that a whopping 1 of 6 young people, the so-called Generation Z, identify with one of those categories.  …

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