Love demands that we never cooperate in a lie that seriously distorts human nature.
By Msgr. Charles Pope, April 2, 2022
There is a national discussion about swimmer William “Lia” Thomas, a so-called transgender female (i.e., a man who claims to be a woman). Thomas has been competing against some of the best female swimmers in the world, defeating them by large margins and transforming the very nature of their sport. Something seems unfair.
But the real problem is not unfairness. The real problem is that calling a man a woman is a lie.
Let’s be clear: People with true “gender dysphoria” deserve our love and sympathy. But they also deserve the truth and an approach that helps them accept what nature, and nature’s God, has actually made them. In this rests their truest fulfillment and happiness. Lasting happiness is never found by lying or rejecting what God has set forth. …