Msgr. Michael Heintz: Unprecedented Times

U.S. Funds World Health Organization That Boot-Licks China, With Deadly Results, by Tim Andrews
April 2, 2020
Planned Parenthood President: Protecting Babies From Abortions is “Heartless”, by Micaiah Bilger
April 2, 2020

*Image: Scenes from the Life of Saint Augustine of Hippo by the Master of St. Augustine, c. 1490 [The MET, New York]

By Msgr. Michael Heintz, The Catholic Thing, April 2, 2020

Msgr. Michael Heintz, PhD, is Dean and Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Mount St Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.


Msgr. Michael HeintzDespite appearances, there have been many other times like these (famines, wars, plagues), though none perhaps that has so effectively brought the entire globe to so nearly complete a standstill. But there are parallels, instructive parallels.

Just over 1600 years ago, for example, Catholics had their world – a world they shared with numbers of non-believers – rocked. In 410, the Vandals, whose name has become synonymous with “marauding thugs,” sacked the city of Rome, which had stood largely untouched and untouchable for 1000 years. This crisis produced, among believers and pagans alike, deep existential angst, questioning, and insecurity.  ….

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