O Joyful Catholics, Where Are You? by Randy Hain

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By Randy Hain, Integrated Catholic, August 13, 2020 

Mr. Randy Hain is President of Serviam Partners (www.serviampartners.com) and is a sought-after executive coach and leadership consultant for business leaders and companies all over the country. …

Randy HainI believe one of the greatest obstacles to evangelization and sharing our faith with others today is that many of us have forgotten how to be joyful. I know when the stresses of the world weigh me down, I struggle to maintain a joyful attitude in the presence of others. We are often so busy with our hectic schedules and materialistic lifestyles that we lose touch with our love of Christ and neglect our faith. What would consistently reflecting sincere joy do for our growth as Catholics? The people around us? For the rest of the world?

Think about it. The early Christians had the good fortune to be the first to share the Good News. Imagine the joy they felt in sharing Christ’s message of love to everyone. They stood out as happy in a suffering world, just as Christians have an opportunity to do so to­day. Jesus promised the Apostles (and us) this joy at the Last Supper when He said in John 16:22, “So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.”  …

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