“The Dictator Pope”
December 6, 2017In Spiritual Warfare, First Step Can Be Self-Examination
December 6, 2017
By Melissa Mackenzie, American Spectator, December 6, 2017
To reiterate: Special Counsel Mueller’s politically motivated witch-hunt needs to be shut down
When the IRS, EPA, and various other agencies targeted a Houston Tea Party activist, it was pretty clear that the Obama administration had unleashed their many hounds to intimidate and harass political enemies. She and her husband were visited at their place of business, hauled in for questioning, needed expensive legal representation, and basically persecuted and found completely compliant with the law. She wasn’t alone in her suffering. Many activists across America, some journalists unfriendly to the administration, and some conservative institutions faced the same oppression.
The Obama administration, that is President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the rest of their minions throughout the government used the government for personal purposes politically and to enrich themselves financially. They thought that they were going to win the 2016 Presidential election and so used all branches of government for their own purposes with impunity. Who was going to stop them? Really, who wanted to stop them? No one. The bureaucracy is overwhelmingly Democrat and so the hive mind worked with one, joyful accord.
Why wouldn’t the bureaucracy continue to work together to ensure that Donald Trump never became president? That’s the question. It’s not, “How could they?!” It is, “Why wouldn’t they?” It’s what they were used to doing and it’s what they got away with for eight years.
Why wouldn’t the Clinton folks, through the DNC, hire Fusion GPS to gather “opposition research” to disseminate not only among the media but within the government to give the research an air of credibility? And why wouldn’t Hillary Clinton’s people use a certain agent like Peter Strzok to get the dirty work done? He was compromised by his personal lack of ethics. No doubt, they knew all about Mr. Strzok and his affair and how he was useful.
And Strzok was useful. Investigations dropped, wording softened, political loyalties confirmed. He was perfect.
Does this sound like a script for Mission Impossible? It’s not. This sort of situation happens when one party controls everything and when the bureaucracy is ideologically aligned with that party.
Who would ever find out, anyway? That’s what the Clinton and Obama folks thought. That’s what James Comey thought until a day ago. That may be what Mueller is still thinking. Hillary Clinton would get elected to office. The typical sycophants would be running and covering for the typical things and no voter would be the wiser.
Voters are now wiser.
So the Agent in charge of the Clinton email fiasco is also the agent involved in the made-up Russia collusion fiasco. But there is no “Deep State” and the FBI is above reproach.
Steve Baldwin, writing for The American Spectator, suggested that the FBI be abolished. They are acting above and outside the law, unaccountable to no one. The notion seemed silly, but with each passing day, it’s clear that the FBI’s power is limitless and the temptation to wield it as a political cudgel too inviting. The Obama administration was comfortable using the investigative arm of the executive branch for political reasons.
The Timeline………
READ ALL, GO TO: https://spectator.org/obamas-legacy-of-bureaucratic-rot-peter-strzok/