Obsession for Contraception and Abortion at The United Nations Population Fund, by Edwin Benson

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Obsession for Contraception and Abortion at The United Nations Population Fund

By Edwin Benson, Return to Order

The United Nations Population Fund is mounting a worldwide campaign to promote abortion and contraception, and they want you to pay for it. Their 2019 Report asks for $264 billion. The United States pays twenty-two percent of the expenses of the U.N. Combine those two numbers, and the U.S. share is a shade over $58 billion. That money ultimately comes from your federal taxes.


The U.N. established the Fund in 1969 as the United Nations Fund for Population Activities. Even though it adopted its current name in 1987, it still uses its previous acronym – UNFPA.

A quick look at the UNFPA web site quickly reveals the feminist orientation of the organization. The first line on the page is “Ensuring rights and choices for all.” Lavishly illustrated, few men appear on its pages. After all, the feminist ideology denies any decision-making role to would-be fathers.

To commemorate its fiftieth anniversary in 2019, UNFPA devoted part of its web activities to a page called “Icons & Activists: 50 Years of People Making Change.” The background is a picture of shouting women raising their fists in a revolutionary gesture. Scrolling down reveals the statement, “For 50 years, the world’s icons and activists have made changes touching the lives of millions of women and girls. Today, people are more likely than ever to enjoy reproductive rights and choices. It is an extraordinary achievement, an inspiration to us all.”  ….

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Read more here  https://www.returntoorder.org/2020/02/obsession-for-contraception-and-abortion-at-the-united-nations-population-fund/?pkg=rtoe0870