Our Lady’s Words to Women and Our Culture, by Thomas Griffin

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By Thomas Griffin, Crisis Magazine, March 25, 2021

Thomas Griffin teaches apologetics in the religion department at a Catholic high school on Long Island. Read more at www.EmptyTombProject.org.

Thomas GriffinIn a time when our nation, through the Equality Act, is attempting to redefine sex as a matter of thought, and when our culture states that empowered women are those that choose themselves over family or abortion over sacrifice, Mary stands as a witness to who women are called to be.

Every year, on March 25th, the Catholic Church celebrates the Annunciation of Mary. This feast remembers the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she would become the mother of God (Luke 1:26-38). The Blessed Virgin Mary, this peasant girl from 2,000 years ago who grew up and lived a seemingly insignificant existence, made the most earth-shattering decision in human history when she said yes to bearing the God-child.   …

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