People Behind COVID Scam Are ‘Deeply Cruel, Evil, and Psychotic People’, by Steve Jalsevac

Will Children Die So That We May Live? by Casey Chalk
September 14, 2020
Msgr. Charles Pope: How Does Idealism Negatively Affect Marriage?
September 14, 2020

If you continue to believe the lies being fed by most media, liberal political leaders, and by your governments and health ministries, then we are heading for a never-in-history level of grief, loss of freedoms, and tyranny all over the world that you cannot now even imagine.

Steve is the co-founder and managing director of

Steve JalsevacSeptember 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – On August 14, I wrote a blog titled “The two most dangerous men in the world?” It was inspired by a video by Dave Cullen, the Irish Internet blogger whom I consider to be one of the more well-informed, brilliant, and bluntly honest research analysts on the Wuhan virus crisis. Today, I must present and comment on yet another of his videos, It’s time to wake up, that was published just today. It is a half-hour blockbuster. You absolutely MUST take the time to watch it. 

Cullen astutely takes viewers through a series of charts, text excerpts, and video statements by various notable persons related to the pandemic. In the process, he presents what I consider to be a very solid case for the title of this blog post. My comments won’t do justice to the impact of the video, so please don’t rely on these limited details to understand the full, crucial video presentation.

Folks, if you continue to believe the lies that you are being fed by most of the media, liberal political leaders, and by your governments and health ministries, then we are heading for a never-in-history level of grief, loss of freedoms and tyranny all over the world that you cannot now even imagine.  ….

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