Arise and Go Home – A Mid-Advent Reflection on What Our Savior Offers
December 15, 2017LifeSiteNews: EWTN Priest: Popes Before Francis Would Have Rejected His Teaching on Marriage (Video)
December 15, 2017
By Gary Bauer, Patriot Post, Dec. 14, 2017
For the first time in a quarter of a century, the people of Alabama have elected a Democrat to the United States Senate. Doug Jones narrowly defeated Roy Moore Tuesday night 49.9% to 48.4%. Here’s my analysis of the race and its impact.
While conservatives may have been split over Moore, this is really bad news for the agenda that presumably all conservatives support. Republicans who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Moore, whatever his flaws, just made Barack Obama’s, Hillary Clinton’s and Chuck Schumer’s day. They elected a pro-abortion, big government, open borders leftist to Washington, DC, who is dedicated to stopping Trump’s conservative agenda.
As the Obamacare debate demonstrated, we do not have a conservative majority in the Senate. Republicans have had to worry about Senators Collins, Corker, Flake, McCain and Murkowski on just about every major vote. We could lose two of those five and Vice President Pence could still provide the tie-breaking vote on things we care about, including judges. But once Jones is seated, the margin will be 51 to 49, meaning we can only afford to lose one rogue RINO.
I heard some commentators suggest that because Jones is from Alabama he will be a center-right vote in the Senate. Well, there are several Democrats representing states that Donald Trump won by big margins who vote like liberals. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and Jon Tester (D-MT) come to mind.
Memo to Fox News: Fire your pollster. For some time now, Fox News polls have been getting elections wrong by constantly underestimating the conservative vote. A Fox poll released Monday had Jones winning by a 10-point landslide. Either Fox is using bad data or the poll is pushing an agenda so that it does not measure opinion but instead serves to drive opinion by demoralizing conservative voters.
The Left is fired up. Just like in Virginia last month, Democrats voted in large numbers while Republicans did not. Total voter turnout (40.5%) far exceeded official expectations of just 25%. The result is that the Democrat vote approached presidential levels, with Jones getting more than 90% of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 vote, while Moore’s support was just half of what Donald Trump received.
The write-in effort had an impact. Jones prevailed by only 20,715 votes out of 1,344,406 cast. There were nearly 23,000 write-in votes for other candidates.
A Look Into the Deep State
Last week, we reported on the shocking news that Peter Strzok, a top FBI official involved in the Clinton email investigation, was in fact a Clinton loyalist. He was also involved in the investigation of Russia’s alleged interference in the election.
Strzok was fired from Robert Mueller’s team after text messages to his mistress, Lisa Page, were discovered. Now we are finding out exactly what was in those messages. Consider this exchange:
PAGE: “And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace [Trump].”
STRZOK: “Thanks… And of course I’ll try and approach it that way. I just know it will be tough at times. I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps.”
In another text, Strzok wrote that Trump’s victory was “f—g terrifying.”
And he also wrote this to Page:
”I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.“
What on earth are they talking about? What exactly was that “insurance policy”?
Page and Strzok are supposed to be civil servants. They are supposed to serve the American people and whomever the people choose as their president. Instead, Page and Strzok sound like they get to decide who will become president.
Every American should have a chill down their spine when they read these messages. If you ever wondered whether “Deep State” was being exaggerated, there’s your answer.
These people think they are better than you, better than our elected officials and they think they can decide how our country will be governed. And they have power.
That mentality represents a bigger threat to the future of America than any leader of Russia.