CNSNews: Pro-Abortion, Pro-Same-Sex Marriage Biden Will Visit Irish Shrine to the Virgin Mary

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By CNSNews, April 12, 2023

( – President Joe Biden, who supports abortion on demand and same-sex marriage, will visit a Roman Catholic cathedral and a Roman Catholic shrine honoring the Virgin Mary on his visit to Ireland this week.

“On Friday, the President will travel to County Mayo, where he will tour the sanctuary of Our Lady of Knock,” John Kirby, communications director for the National Security Council, said in a White House briefing on Monday.

“He will then deliver remarks at St. Muredach’s Cathedral, which his great-great-grandfather—great-great-great-grandfather— sorry—Edward Blewitt sold 27,000 bricks to in 1827,” said Kirby. “Those bricks were used to construct and support the great cathedral and helped Edward afford to buy tickets for himself and for his family to sail together to America decades later in 1851.” …

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