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By Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow.com, June 23, 2017 – Many pro-life Catholics are dismayed over changes at the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Pope Francis announced late last year he would reconstitute the pro-life academy along with changes in its direction and philosophical position.
Pontifical Academy for Life would become open to people of all faiths and no one would have to pledge allegiance to moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, he said last November.
The academy was founded in 1994 and its members are selected by the Pope to study principal problems of biomedicine and law, relative to the promotion and defense of life, with direct correlation to Christian morality and directives of the Catholic Church.
Judie Brown of American Life League tells OneNewsNow that the Pope recently announced new appointees who hold moral values totally contrary to those of the church.
“He included one doctor by the name of Biggar, who approves of abortion through the 18th week of pregnancy,” Brown warns. “And [he] added Dr. Kathleen Foley, who has in the past worked for George Soros, developed a pro-euthanasia program for George Soros, and been deeply involved in marketing palliative care as a form of euthanasia.”
Brown suggests those appointments may have been influenced by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, who heads the academy and has supported views in opposition to church teachings.
Brown was appointed to the academy in 1996 by Pope John Paul II.
When she was appointed, says Brown, “we all took an oath of fidelity to the church as Catholics. You had to be a Catholic who would swear to uphold the teachings of the church, or you couldn’t be on the academy.”
Brown says the academy under Pope Francis has taken on a new identity and she is happy her 15-year term ended before the change in philosophy took place.