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March 30, 2018The Pope’s Casual Friday
March 30, 2018
Several organizations are partnering together in a campaign to try and put a stamp on the pro-life movement.
By Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow, March 30, 2018
It was March 18, 1972, when the U.S. Postal Service produced a stamp promoting “family planning” – just one year before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide. Larry Jacobs, managing director of the World Congress of Families, explains their request to the USPS.
“… Just like we have [‘Choose Life’] license plates in some of the states … there’s no reason we can’t we have a ‘Choose Life’ stamp as a commemorative stamp at the national level,” he argues. “It only balances out a stamp that the U.S. Postal Service already had promoting family planning.”
Jacobs points that in the eyes of abortion supporters, “family planning” includes killing unborn children.
A few prominent pro-life organizations have joined in the campaign, says Jacobs.
“Heartbeat International [which] represents some 2,000+ pro-life pregnancy centers in the U.S. and internationally, Human Life International, Population Research Institute is also an official partner with us on this.”
All four organizations are asking people to sign a petition encouraging the Postal Service to approve a “Choose Life” stamp.
The Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee receives as many as 50,000 stamp proposals, but only about 40 stamps get their stamp of approval each year.