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Glenn Hudson returns to The John-Henry Westen Show to share the significance of Pope Benedict XVI’s death and its relation to the prophecies of Our Lady of Garabandal.

By John-Henry Westen, LifeSiteNews, Jan 24, 2023

John-Henry is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of He and his wife Dianne and their eight children live in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada.


Featured Image(LifeSiteNews) — The death of Pope Benedict XVI was momentous in many ways. One of those ways relates to the fulfillment of prophecy in a Marian apparition that St. Padre Pio believed to be authentic.

On today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I’m joined once again by Glenn Hudson, an expert on the apparitions of Our Lady of Garabandal and close friend of Conchita Gonzalez, one of the visionaries.

We begin the show by discussing the significance of Pope Benedict XVI’s death as it relates to the fulfillment of prophecy in Garabandal.

The Blessed Virgin said when Pope John XXIII was living that there would be “three more popes” until the “end of times,” though not counting Pope John Paul I because he only reigned 33 days, according to Conchita herself. So in this scheme Benedict XVI would be the last pope before this “end of times.” …