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‘The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision’ issues a clarion call. (photo: University of Notre Dame Press)

BOOK PICK: Erika Bachiochi’s work is a call to reimagine feminism. What if men and women pursued equality, not as self-destructive license, but as freedom for the sake of human excellence?

Erika J. Ahern Erika J. Ahern is a senior classical educator, consultant, and writer. She blogs, vlogs, and consults at Verity Ed, where she equips parents with the tools, information, and confidence to claim their role as their children’s primary educators. You can pick up a copy of her latest eBook, Outside the Box, at her website. Erika lives in Connecticut with her husband, Todd, and their six children.

By Erika J. Ahern, EWTN News, November 8, 2021

THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN, Reclaiming a Lost Vision, By Erika Bachiochi, University of Notre Dame Press, 2021, 422 pages, $35, To order:

Erika J. AhernIn The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision, Erika Bachiochi issues a ringing call to correct the course of modern feminism, which has for decades pursued a philosophical, legal and moral suicide mission. Through the thought of Mary Wollstonecraft, author of A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), Bachiochi proposes a dynamic way forward for rebuilding the women’s movement.

Feminism, in order to combat an increasingly anti-woman social climate, must first rediscover its origins in the communitarian philosophical tradition. To that end, Bachiochi goes back to the beginnings of modernity to recover the foundations of modern feminism. Beginning “with Mary Wollstonecraft’s moral, familial, and political vision” and “culminating in the landmark sex-discrimination legislation and high court rulings of the 1970s,” she presents an intellectual history of the feminist movement. …

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