Remembering 2020 Without Losing Hope, by Casey Chalk 

Rev. Michael P. Orsi: We Don’t Go to Church for Ourselves
January 26, 2023
Seven Days with Cardinal Pell, by Mark Regnerus
January 27, 2023

It would not be hyperbolic to say that the pandemic dramatically accelerated the de-Christianization of the United States.

By Casey Chalk, Crisis Magazine, Jan. 27, 2023

Casey Chalk is the author of The Persecuted: True Stories of Courageous Christians Living Their Faith in Muslim Lands (Sophia Institute Press) and a senior contributor at The Federalist. He holds a Masters in Theology from Christendom College.


Casey ChalkDo you remember January 2020? A U.S. airstrike on January 3 killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani and others near Baghdad International Airport. Two weeks later, the House impeachment managers read aloud the impeachment articles against then President Trump.

It was also the month that the Covid-19 outbreak was first declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization. Within a few months, our lives would be transformed, the death of George Floyd a few months later on May 25 dramatically compounding the national crisis. …

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