Rev. Graham: Democrats’ Impeachment Inquiry ‘Is a Day of Shame for America’, by Craig Bannister

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Franklin Graham (centre) and the Graham family pray alongside US President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence as Billy Graham lies in honour at the US Capitol in February 2018.

By Craig Bannister, CNSNews, November 13, 2019

“It’s a day of shame for America,” Rev. Franklin Graham declared Wednesday as Democrats launched their House Intelligence Committee impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

In the first of two tweets on the subject, Rev. Graham said that he agrees with the liberal media that the impeachment inquiry is “historic” – in the sense that it is “historically shameful”:

“It’s a day of shame for America. The media is calling the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry “historic;” and it is—historically shameful. That our politicians would bring this kind of harm to our country with the world watching is unbelievable. ½” ….

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