Rev. Graham: Wasn’t Pelosi ‘Fiddling,’ Wasting Days, By Loading Pork Into $2 Trillion Relief Bill?

Death by Identity Politics, by Jane Clark Scharl
March 31, 2020
Canonical Deep Breath Time, by Edward Peters
March 31, 2020

By Michael W. Chapman, CNSNews, March 30, 2020

In response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stating that because President Donald Trump supposedly fiddled in his early handling of the coronavirus, which allegedly cost American lives, Rev. Franklin Graham wondered what Pelosi was doing by wasting days to force federal pork barrel spending into the $2 trillion relief bill. 

“I wonder what Nancy Pelosi was doing?” said Graham in a March 30 Facebook post.  “It could be said that she was the one who caused delays in people getting the help they need because she was ‘fiddling’ with the economic stimulus package, trying to work in political agendas and funding for pet projects.”

In an exchange with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday, Pelosi charged that Trump’s alleged “downplaying” of the coronavirus cost American lives — “Yes, I am” saying that, Pelosi told Tapper. She also said, “When did this president know about this, and what did he know? … But as the president fiddles, people are dying.” ….

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